"THE RATE OF CHANGE" circa 2006. Fast forward to 2016, New Energy is set to change the planet!!

"THE RATE OF CHANGE" circa 2006. Fast forward to 2016, New Energy is set to change the planet!!

The Rate of Change


Thank you Robert Preston.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen and kind hosts, the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.

Hello all.

My name is Richard J. Siegel. I am the Chairman of Arch Bridge Holdings, a company that my wife and I started two years ago this month. Arch Bridge is being built on an investment research platform. Our Company is focused today on the big picture trends that are in motion now and will soon become The Next Big Investments on Wall Street. Presently, we are in a very unique window of Market history.

The Next Big Investments on Wall Street will happen in six main categories and will attract, fund and trade trillions of dollars each: The six are WOMEN, EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT, SOLUTIONS, DEMAND and the one we are gathered here today for, ENERGY.

On July 3rd of 2005, after 7-long years of research, debate, focus and organization on The Next Big Investments and the resulting and ongoing research into the specific Next Big Things, we went live via The Internet at NxBT.com and today at TheNextBigInvestments.com

But I chose at that time to not put out any press releases or to do anything more than to acclimate myself to this permanent record I had posted and, more important, to feel comfortable that, well, I got it right. I think I have. Now only time will prove me right or wrong.

Originally, I thought the timeline for everything to happen would be from 2000 to 2050. In as much, when we went live, my 12 year old son, Nick, asked me what "investment" or "thing" would have made my list had we a 100 year time horizon. I instantly replied, SPACE.

But as I pick up the papers on a daily basis and read and hear the news. When I talk to people who are working on the many "things" of tomorrow and investments of today. And when I think back to all the innovations, breakthroughs and technological advances we have lived through in just our lifetime, one constant, loud and ever more redundant message continues to emerge.

The message is that not much is really going to happen for ten, twenty, thirty or more years. Things will change, but change will be very slow. Cars, to name but one thing, will primarily run on gas for many years to come. It is a message that I completely disagree with.

And since we are talking renewable ENERGY here today, let's talk specifically, for example, about what Mr. Preston just mentioned, which is hydrogen.

Hydrogen is a very cool reality. Clean, abundant, renewable and cheap. Add a little oxygen and hook it up to a fuel cell and welcome in the hydrogen economy, say goodbye to the internal combustion engine and America's and the World's reliance on fossil fuel.

Well, except for the problems: No hydrogen distribution infrastructure; fuel cells that cost way too much; lack eureka-technology; and produce way too little electricity for a world that will double electric demand over the next twenty years -- in a world that is hostage to war, intolerance, ignorance, poverty and terror anyway.

Well folks, here we go. My biggest finding of all. The one that took me the absolute longest to comprehend, that stands all this negative thinking on its ear. It is the issue of timing and this is my finding:

THE RATE OF CHANGE from 2000 to 2020 will be equivalent to all the change brought about from 1800 to 2000.

200 years worth of change in just 20 years, and we are 6 years into these changes already and picking up momentum. It is happening as we speak, with only 14 years left to 2020.

A 10 times increase in the rate of change. 10x.

The more I look at this, the more I realize that we are once again at a very curious, but unmistakable crossroads in history and I think the catalysts for the Agricultural age and the Industrial Age have once again become evident as the catalysts for the Information Age.

When advances occur in three areas at the same time, perfect-storm-catalysts, if you will, things change. They are logistics, communications and energy.

Thus advances in non-electric communications -- the printing press, information distribution and bridge technology set the stage for the advances realized during the Agricultural Age.

Advances in electricity, electrical distribution and electric-communications - lights; the telegraph, telephone and the computer, or, more specifically, the computer chip, were the perfect-storm-catalyst for the advances realized during the Industrial Age.

And today, once again, the advances in portable-electric power; logistics and electric-communications -- The Internet, the cell phone and digitalization - are the perfect-storm-catalysts for this new era we are firmly in, The Information Age.

Thus, the Next Big Investments on Wall Street in ENERGY will be in ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, specifically hydrogen and sustainable energy.

In one hundred years, my bet is that when Nick, his brother Rory, your children and our grandchildren are all zipping around in space, like it was nothing, they will look to earth at night and see a world powered by hydrogen, fuel cells, solar and other sustainable energy and they will look back to years 2000 to 2020 to when it happened.

That's my bet.

Thank you all.

©2006 Arch Bridge Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

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